How To Install CBPolicyd on Zimbra 8.6

Step 1: To active cbpolicyd on zimbra 8.6

$su - zimbra
$zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraServiceInstalled cbpolicyd +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd

Step 2: To acctive cbpolicyd webui

cd /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs/ && ln -s ../../cbpolicyd/share/webui
vim /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php
To add "$DB_DSN="sqlite:/opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb";" in config.php file.
The ouput:

Step 3: To restart services

su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol restart"
su - zimbra -c "zmapachectl restart"

Step 4: To access cbpolicyd webui.

How To Install CBPolicyd on Zimbra 8.6


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