zimbra create multiple accounts csv file: A Complete Guide


Zimbra Collaboration Suite is a popular email and collaboration platform known for its flexibility and robust features. Managing a large number of email accounts can be a tedious task, especially in enterprise environments. Thankfully, Zimbra provides the ability to create multiple accounts using a CSV file, simplifying the process and saving valuable time. This guide walks you through everything you need to know about creating Zimbra accounts with a CSV file, from setup to advanced configurations.

Why Use a CSV File for Zimbra Account Creation?

Creating Zimbra accounts manually is manageable for small-scale needs, but for larger organizations, efficiency is crucial. Here are the main advantages of using a CSV file:

  • Time Efficiency: Batch processing saves significant time compared to manual entry.

  • Accuracy: Reduces errors by predefining account details in a structured format.

  • Scalability: Easily handles the creation of hundreds or thousands of accounts.


Before diving in, ensure the following requirements are met:

  1. Zimbra Admin Access: You need administrative privileges to execute these commands.

  2. CSV File: A properly formatted CSV file containing user details.

  3. Zimbra CLI or Admin Console: Access to the command-line interface or admin console.

  4. Basic Knowledge of Linux/CLI: Familiarity with basic commands will help.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Zimbra Accounts with a CSV File

I will writing the script for create multiple accounts from csv file.
  1. To create Accounts.csv file
  2. To use bash script create multiple accounts in zimbra
  3. To execute zimbra_account.sh bash script
I'm created Accounts.csv file
# cat Accounts.csv 
The content Accounts.csv file as below:
huupv1@mail.huuphan.local,123456789,Huu1,Phan Van,Phan Van Huu1 (IT),mail.huuphan.local
huupv2@mail.huuphan.local,123456789,Huu2,Phan Van,Phan Van Huu2 (IT),mail.huuphan.local

zimbra create multiple accounts csv file full script

zimbra create multiple accounts with zimbra_account.sh name
# File Accounts.csv as below:
# huupv1@mail.huuphan.local,123456789,Huu1,Phan Van,Phan Van Huu1 (IT),mail.huuphan.local
# huupv2@mail.huuphan.local,123456789,Huu2,Phan Van,Phan Van Huu2 (IT),mail.huuphan.local
        echo "$DATE - To create account Email" | tee $Out_log
        echo "Account, Password, First_Name, Last_Name, DisplayName, zimbraMailHost" | tee -a $Out_log
while read Acount_Email Password First_Name Last_Name Display_Name Mailbox
        echo "$Acount_Email, $Password, $First_Name, $Last_Name, $Display_Name, $Mailbox" | tee -a $Out_log
        echo ""
Uid=$(echo $Acount_Email | cut -d '@' -f1)
Domain=$(echo $Acount_Email | cut -d '@' -f2)
su - zimbra -c "zmprov -l gaa | grep '\b$Uid'@$Domain"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
        echo "$Acount_Email exits"
        su - zimbra -c "zmprov ca '$Acount_Email' '$Password' givenName '$First_Name' sn '$Last_Name' displayName '$Display_Name' zimbraMailHost '$Mailbox'" >>$Out_log

done < ${File_Name}
To execute bash script

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I update existing accounts with a CSV file?

Yes, by modifying the zmprov ma command in your script, you can update attributes for existing accounts.

2. What happens if an account already exists?

The zmprov ca command will return an error if the account exists. Handle this by adding error-checking logic to your script.

3. Is there a GUI alternative for this process?

While Zimbra Admin Console allows manual account creation, it doesn’t support batch uploads natively. Use third-party tools or custom scripts for GUI-based bulk account creation.

4. How do I secure passwords in the CSV file?

Encrypt the CSV file using tools like GPG or store it in a secure location with restricted access.

External Resources

zimbra create multiple accounts csv file


Creating multiple Zimbra accounts using a CSV file is an efficient and scalable solution for managing email systems in large organizations. By following this guide, you can streamline your workflow, minimize errors, and ensure a consistent setup for all accounts. Explore advanced configurations to further customize your Zimbra environment and enhance productivity. Thank you for reading the huuphan.com page!


  1. ERROR: service.INVALID_REQUEST (invalid request: must be valid email address: account)

    I am getting such an error can cause problems

  2. I have same error. ERROR: service.INVALID_REQUEST (invalid request: must be valid email address: account)

  3. Hello,

    I can't solve problem below. Hostname is true. Can you help me ?

    ERROR: service.INVALID_REQUEST (invalid request: specified zimbraMailHost does not correspond to a valid server service hostname: mail.xxx.xxx)


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