Faster Docker Builds: Leveraging Remote BuildKit for Optimal Development


Discover how to accelerate your Docker builds by leveraging a remote BuildKit instance. This comprehensive guide covers everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques, ensuring that your development process becomes more efficient.

Docker has revolutionized the way developers build, ship, and run applications. However, as projects grow in complexity, so do their Docker images, leading to longer build times. This can be particularly frustrating during development cycles, where rapid iteration is key. Fortunately, Docker's BuildKit, a modern build architecture, offers a solution to this problem. By using a remote BuildKit instance, you can significantly speed up your Docker builds, especially when dealing with large projects or when working in a team environment. 

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using a remote BuildKit instance, how to set it up, and provide examples from basic to advanced levels to help you optimize your Docker build process.

What is BuildKit?

Understanding Docker's BuildKit

BuildKit is a modern build architecture for Docker that improves build performance, storage management, and introduces new features like cache import/export, improved multi-stage builds, and more. It's designed to be more efficient and flexible than Docker's legacy builder.

Key Features of BuildKit

- Faster Builds: Optimized build process with better caching mechanisms.

- Remote Caching: Share cache between different machines.

- Improved Security: Build secrets and SSH forwarding are handled more securely.

- Multi-Platform Support: Easily build images for different architectures.

Why Use a Remote BuildKit Instance?

Using a remote BuildKit instance means that the heavy lifting of building Docker images is offloaded to a separate, often more powerful, machine. This can reduce the load on your local machine, speed up builds, and enable better resource utilization across a team.

How to Set Up a Remote BuildKit Instance


Before setting up a remote BuildKit instance, ensure you have the following:

- A server or cloud instance with Docker installed.

- Docker CLI installed on your local machine.

- SSH access to the remote server.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Enable BuildKit on Your Local Machine

First, you need to enable BuildKit on your local Docker installation. This can be done by setting an environment variable:


Alternatively, you can enable it globally by adding the following to your Docker daemon configuration (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`):


  "features": {

    "buildkit": true



Then, restart the Docker daemon:

sudo systemctl restart docker

Step 2: Set Up the Remote BuildKit Instance

On your remote server, install Docker and enable BuildKit as described above. Additionally, you need to configure the server to allow incoming connections for Docker builds. Here's how:

1. Open Docker Daemon for Remote Access:

   Edit the Docker daemon configuration file (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`) to listen on all network interfaces:


     "hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]


Note: Exposing Docker over TCP without TLS is insecure. For production environments, consider setting up TLS for secure communication.

2. Restart Docker Daemon:

   sudo systemctl restart docker

3. Ensure Firewall Allows Docker Traffic:

   If your server has a firewall, make sure to allow traffic on the Docker TCP port (default is 2375):

   sudo ufw allow 2375/tcp

Step 3: Connect to the Remote BuildKit Instance

On your local machine, you can now connect to the remote BuildKit instance by specifying the Docker host:

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://<remote-server-ip>:2375

Replace `<remote-server-ip>` with the IP address of your remote server.

Examples: Docker Builds Using Remote BuildKit

Basic Example: Building a Simple Node.js Application

Let's start with a basic example. Consider a simple Node.js application with the following `Dockerfile`:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3

FROM node:14


COPY package.json .

RUN npm install

COPY . .

CMD ["node", "index.js"]

To build this image using the remote BuildKit instance, run:

docker build -t my-node-app .

Since the remote BuildKit instance is handling the build, your local machine remains responsive, and the build process is generally faster.

Advanced Example: Multi-Stage Build with Cache Import/Export

For more complex builds, such as multi-stage builds, BuildKit offers advanced features like cache import/export. This is particularly useful for speeding up builds by reusing previously built layers.

Consider the following `Dockerfile` for a Go application:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3

FROM golang:1.18 AS builder


COPY go.mod .

COPY go.sum .

RUN go mod download

COPY . .

RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o myapp

FROM alpine:3.15

COPY --from=builder /app/myapp /usr/local/bin/myapp

CMD ["myapp"]

To use cache import/export, you can specify cache flags during the build:

docker build --cache-from=type=local,src=/path/to/cache --cache-to=type=local,dest=/path/to/cache -t my-go-app .

Using this setup, BuildKit will store build cache locally, which can be reused in future builds to further speed up the process.

Further Optimization Tips

1. Use `.dockerignore` Files:

   Exclude unnecessary files from the build context by creating a `.dockerignore` file. This reduces the amount of data sent to the remote BuildKit instance and speeds up the build process.

2. Leverage Multi-Stage Builds:

   Multi-stage builds can significantly reduce the size of the final image by copying only necessary artifacts from intermediate stages.

3. Optimize Dockerfile Instructions:

   Combining multiple `RUN` commands into a single layer reduces the number of layers and can decrease the build time and final image size.


What are the benefits of using a remote BuildKit instance?

Using a remote BuildKit instance can offload resource-intensive builds from your local machine, reduce build times, and enable centralized caching across multiple developers.

Is it secure to expose Docker over TCP?

Exposing Docker over TCP without TLS is not secure, as it opens up your Docker daemon to potential remote code execution attacks. It's recommended to use TLS for secure communication, especially in production environments.

Can I use BuildKit with Docker Compose?

Yes, BuildKit can be used with Docker Compose by setting the `DOCKER_BUILDKIT` environment variable before running `docker-compose up --build`.

How can I monitor the performance of my remote BuildKit instance?

You can use tools like Docker's built-in stats command (`docker stats`) to monitor container resource usage. Additionally, setting up logging and monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana can provide more detailed insights.


Faster Docker builds are crucial for efficient development workflows, especially as project complexity grows. By utilizing a remote BuildKit instance, you can significantly reduce build times, improve resource management, and enhance team collaboration. Whether you're working on a simple project or managing complex multi-stage builds, the techniques outlined in this article will help you optimize your Docker builds and keep your development process running smoothly.

Implement these strategies today and experience the benefits of faster Docker builds with a remote BuildKit instance!Thank you for reading the page!


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